0) { if($namevalue[0]==4) $namevalue[0]=101; if($boolstart){ $boolstart = false; $query.= "("; }else{ $query.= "OR "; } $query.= "tblPacks.PaysiteID = " . $namevalue[0] . " "; } } } if (!$boolstart){ $query.= ") AND "; $boolstart = false; } else { /// $query.= " AND tblPacks.PaysiteID <> 18 "; } $query.="(tblPacks.Flag_Pub = 1) AND ((tblPacks.Flag_isTG)=0) ";// if ($otype == "va"){ $query.="AND ((NOT(tblPacks.MPA_VA = ''))) "; } else if ($otype == "fhg"){ $query.="AND ((NOT(tblPacks.MPA_FHG = ''))) "; } else { $query.="AND ((NOT(tblPacks.MPA_VA = '')) OR (NOT(tblPacks.MPA_FHG = ''))) "; } if ($traffic == 2) { $query.="AND ( tblPaysites.Niche=2 ) "; } if ($traffic == 1) { $query.="AND ( tblPaysites.Niche=1 ) "; } if (count($sites)==0) { $query.="AND (tblPaysites.Flag_Public = 1) "; $query.="AND ((tblPaysites.Flag_inAdmin) = 1) "; } $query.="ORDER BY tblPacks.PackDate DESC;"; $result=mysql_query($query); __DBclose(); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $err = mysql_error(); if ($err != "") { return $err; } else { return $e; } } } function url_exists($url) { $a_url = parse_url($url); if (!isset($a_url['port'])) $a_url['port'] = 80; $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $timeout = 1; if(isset($a_url['host']) && $a_url['host']!=gethostbyname($a_url['host'])){ $fid = fsockopen($a_url['host'], $a_url['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fid) return false; $page = isset($a_url['path']) ?$a_url['path']:''; $page .= isset($a_url['query'])?'?'.$a_url['query']:''; fputs($fid, 'HEAD '.$page.' HTTP/1.0'."\r\n".'Host: '.$a_url['host']."\r\n\r\n"); $head = fread($fid, 4096); $head = substr($head,0,strpos($head, 'Connection: close')); fclose($fid); //echo "|" . $head . "|
\n"; if (preg_match('#^HTTP/.*\s+[404]+\s#i', $head)) { return false; } elseif (preg_match('#^HTTP/.*\s+[200|206|302]+\s#i', $head)) { return true; } else { return false; } if (preg_match('#^HTTP/.*\s+[200|206|302]+\s#i', $head)) { $pos = strpos($head, 'Content-Type'); return $pos !== false; } } else { return false; } } function getCache($cacheID) { global $cache; if (isset($cache) && $data = $cache->get($cacheID,'thumbgal')) { return $data; } return false; } function setCache($data, $cacheID) { global $cache; $cache->save($data, $cacheID,'thumbgal'); } function getContent($data, $webid, $program, $camp,$limit,$galtype, $style,$target,$height,$width,$quality) { $array = array(); $toolId='12'; $secured = false; if($_SERVER['HTTPS']){ $secured = true; }else{ $secured = false; } $x = 0; __DBopen(); global $database; @mysql_select_db($database); //echo mysql_num_rows($data);exit; if($style == "latest"){ while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)){ $array[] = $row; if ($x < $limit) { if($galtype == 'both'){ if($row['MPA_VA'] != "" && $row['MPA_FHG'] != ""){ $curtype = (rand(1, 2) == 1)?"va":"fhg"; }else if($row['MPA_VA'] != ""){ $curtype = 'va'; }else{ $curtype = 'fhg'; } }else{ $curtype = $galtype; } if ($curtype == "va") { $mpaid = $row['MPA_VA']; $type="va"; $thisThumbURL = "http://galleries.".$row['DomainID']."/va/".$row['PackID']."/images/tn_01.jpg"; } else { $mpaid = $row['MPA_FHG']; $type = "og"; $thisThumbURL = "http://galleries.".$row['DomainID']."/".$row['PackID']."/images/tn_01.jpg"; } //if($row['PaysiteID'] == 49){ //$thisThumbURL = str_replace('galleries', 'g', $thisThumbURL); //echo ""; //} $paysiteid = $row['PaysiteID']; $currProgram=($row['PaysiteID'] == 10 || $row['PaysiteID'] == 13 || $row['PaysiteID'] == 90)?2:$program; $packid = $row['PackID']; $thisLinkURL = "https://secure.gunzblazingpromo.com/gallery.php?m=".$row['PackID']."&t=".$type."&nats=".gncode($webid,$paysiteid,$camp); // if($secured){ // $thisLinkURL = "https://secure.gunzblazing.com/gallhit.php?".$webid.",".$mpaid.",".$paysiteid.",".$currProgram.",0,".$camp.",".$toolId; // }else{ // $thisLinkURL = "http://gunzblazing.com/gallhit.php?".$webid.",".$mpaid.",".$paysiteid.",".$currProgram.",0,".$camp.",".$toolId; // } $title = urlencode($row['Title']); echo "$title"; $x++; }else{ //break; } } }else{ $dbarray = Array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)){ $dbarray[] = $row; } $len = count($dbarray); //echo $len;exit;//// $holdarray = Array(); while(count($holdarray) < $limit){ $pos = rand(0, $len-1); if(!in_array($pos , $holdarray)){ $holdarray[] = $pos; $row = $dbarray[$pos]; if($galtype == 'both'){ if($row['MPA_VA'] != "" && $row['MPA_FHG'] != ""){ $curtype = (rand(1, 2) == 1)?"va":"fhg"; }else if($row['MPA_VA'] != ""){ $curtype = 'va'; }else{ $curtype = 'fhg'; } }else{ $curtype = $galtype; } if ($curtype == "va") { $mpaid = $row['MPA_VA']; $type="va"; $thisThumbURL = "http://galleries.".$row['DomainID']."/va/".$row['PackID']."/images/tn_01.jpg"; } else { $mpaid = $row['MPA_FHG']; $type="og"; $thisThumbURL = "http://galleries.".$row['DomainID']."/".$row['PackID']."/images/tn_01.jpg"; } //if($row['PaysiteID'] == 49){ //$thisThumbURL = str_replace('galleries', 'g', $thisThumbURL); //echo ""; //} $paysiteid = $row['PaysiteID']; $thisLinkURL = "https://secure.gunzblazingpromo.com/gallery.php?m=".$row['PackID']."&t=".$type."&nats=".gncode($webid,$paysiteid,$camp); if($secured){ $thisLinkURL = "https://secure.gunzblazing.com/gallhit.php?".$webid.",".$mpaid.",".$paysiteid.",".$program.",0,".$camp.",".$toolId; }else{ $thisLinkURL = "http://gunzblazing.com/gallhit.php?".$webid.",".$mpaid.",".$paysiteid.",".$program.",0,".$camp.",".$toolId; } $title = urlencode($row['Title']); echo "$title"; } } } __DBclose(); } $secured = false; if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) { $secured = true; } else{ $secured = false; } $lifetime = 604800; $webid = ($_GET['w'] ? $_GET['w'] : $ourwebid); $program = ($_GET['p'] ? $_GET['p'] : 2); $camp = $_GET['c']; $site = $_GET['s']; $galtype = $_GET['t']; $galstyle = $_GET['st']; $limit = ($_GET['l'] ? $_GET['l'] : 15); $target = ($_GET['tr'] ? $_GET['tr'] : "_blank"); $height=($_GET['height'])?$_GET['height']:90; $width=($_GET['width'])?$_GET['width']:90; $quality=($_GET['quality'])?$_GET['quality']:90; $pleft=($_GET['pl']?$_GET['pl']:'3px'); $ptop=($_GET['pt']?$_GET['pt']:'3px'); $pright=($_GET['pr']?$_GET['pr']:'3px'); $pbottom=($_GET['pb']?$_GET['pb']:'3px'); if (!$webid <> "") { $webid = "100342"; } if (!$program <> "") { $program="2"; } if(!$site <> ""){ if ($_GET["selectedSites"]) { $site = $_GET["selectedSites"]; } }else{ $site = "selectedSites:".$site."|"; } switch(strtolower($galtype)){ case "fhg": $galtype = "fhg"; break; case "va": $galtype = "va"; break; default: $galtype = "both"; } switch(strtolower($galstyle)){ case "random": $galstyle = "random"; $lifetime = 60; break; default: $galstyle = "latest"; $lifetime = 259200; } $cacheID = urlencode($webid.$program.$site.$width.$height.$limit.$galtype.$galstyle.$ptop.$pright.$pbottom.$pleft.$secured.$traffic); $bgcolor = ($_GET['bg'] ? 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